student teacher

At the September Board Meeting, the Brady Board of Education took a significant step to address teacher shortages by voting to pay student teachers a $120 daily stipend. This initiative aims to attract and retain potential educators by providing them with a positive and supportive teaching experience.

"We believe we must stay competitive with local districts who are also offering stipends for student teachers and by offering financial incentives and other benefits we will not only attract aspiring teachers but also help retain them in our district," said Mrs. Foster, Superintendent of Brady Public Schools. "Our goal is to create an environment where student teachers can thrive and see the potential for a long-term career with us."

In addition to the stipend, student teachers will receive free lunch, further enhancing their experience in the district. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to ensure that Brady Public Schools remains competitive and appealing to new educators.

The district is also anticipating two openings for the upcoming school year in K-12 Music/Band and Kindergarten. These positions are critical to maintaining a well-rounded education for students and ensuring that Brady Public Schools continues to offer high-quality programs.

Prospective student teachers interested in these opportunities are encouraged to contact Brady Public Schools for more information. The district is looking forward to welcoming new talent and providing a supportive environment for the next generation of educators.